Tension, Symbol, and Recognition
Kate Williams Kate Williams

Tension, Symbol, and Recognition

What we are talking about here is not the experience of an audience, but the experience of an active worshiping assembly engaged in the worship of God through singing. There is perhaps no other physical activity that so engages the body, the mind, the spirit, and the emotions of an individual and an assembly than wholehearted singing. …[T]he activity of hymn singing allows an assembly to recognize itself as believers and as members of a faith community.

--Kubicki, The Song of the Singing Assembly, 56-57.

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On Privilege and Discomfort
Kate Williams Kate Williams

On Privilege and Discomfort

God is always on the side of the victim. God is always with the oppressed. Those of us with privilege have platforms, and a responsibility to use them.

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Elevating Black Voices
Kate Williams Kate Williams

Elevating Black Voices

Are all of the beloved songs of your community written by white people? Are the spirituals your community knows arranged by white arrangers? Does your repertoire list reflect a fullness of the image and likeness of God, or does it only reflect the God who looks like you?

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Prophetic Presence, Prophetic Absence
Kate Williams Kate Williams

Prophetic Presence, Prophetic Absence

There’s a pit in my stomach these days. The recent public correspondences between the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Illinois States attorney regarding the disclosure of Child Sexual Abusers in recent history has me asking that eternal question once again:

Should I stay, or should I go?

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The (Feminine) Compositional Voice
Kate Williams Kate Williams

The (Feminine) Compositional Voice

One day, my daughter will read this article. Not tomorrow, not next year. As bright as she is, she still lives in the land of 18-month onesies and 24/7 contact with Elmo. But one day.

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